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Where/When the External Divided Sleeves can be Used?

The External Divided Sleeve is mostly used in situations where it isn’t possible to fit a Link-Seal assembly securely, for example:

  • When a pipe is not centered in a hole;
  • When the hole is out of round;
  • When the annular space is too small or too large for a Link-Seal assembly to fit;
  • When an existing penetration is leaking such as concrete & pipe or cast-in conduits, etc.
  • When an in-situ pipe requires a fire rating and/or cannot be removed and requires a 100% hydrostatic seal.


The most effective way to seal the between the External Steel Sleeve and the pipe is to use the Link-Seals.

The type of Link-Seals will be determined depending on the liquid or type of application, nl.

  • Model-S316 (EPDM) Link-Seals for sealing against non aggressive chemicals (water, gas and other inorganic liquids)
  • Model-O (Nitrille Rubber) Link-Seals to seal against Hydrocarbons and aggressive chemicals
  • Model-T Link-Seal (silicone rubber) when a fire rating is required (2 hrs (AS 1530.4 and AS 4072.1) fire rating (click here for certificate).





How to Install the External Divided Sleeves?

Step 1: Assemble both sections of the split sleeve around the pipe.

Step 2: Assemble by placing nuts & bolts through pressure plates and tighten just enough to keep assembly in place – Do not remove backing/protection paper attached to sealant & pressure plates at this stage.

Step 3: Put External Divided Sleeve in place against wall – centered to pipe (to help center the pipe you can install the Link-Seals).

Step 4: Mark the holes to be drilled.

Step 5: Remove External Divided Sleeve and Link-Seals if used – drill holes to fix dyna bolts.

Step 6: Remove backing paper from sealant, assemble both sections around pipe, insert nuts & bolts through pressure plates and tighten.

Step 7: Place rubber gasket between wall & back plate – fasten dyna bolts to permanently attached External Divided Sleeve to wall.

Step 8: Assemble Link-Seals to permanently seal the annular space.