Australian Standards are documents that specify the requirements, measures and rules of their subject matter. These standards are created with the goal to certify that the materials, techniques, and practices used are safe, dependable, and trustworthy. The Australian Standards cover a huge variety of subjects, including products, services, construction, utilities, and more, including of course waterproofing – that’s our speciality!
These Australian Standards were created to provide recommendations which, when followed, ensure both the materials (AS 4654.1) which is the waterproofing membrane and the design and application (AS 4654.2) of the membrane provide a reliable and consistent result. It is of utmost importance to understand that both the membrane Material (AS 4654.1) and the Design and Application of the membrane (AS 4654.2) must work in unison to achieve the Australian Standards set for waterproofing membranes. They are complementary and one without the other will not suffice!
The objective of the Australian Standard for waterproofing is to provide a consistent and reliable approach to both the materials used and the design and installation of external waterproofing membrane systems.
There are 2 parts to the Australian Standards for waterproofing membranes (AS 4654), known as :
- Waterproofing Membranes for external above ground use
Part 1 Materials AS 4654.1-2012 - Waterproofing Membranes for external above ground use
Part 2 Design and Application AS 4654.2-2012 - Wolfin Waterproofing Warranty
Part 1 – Materials: Waterproofing Membranes for External Above-Ground Use
AS 4654.1-2012
Part 1 of the Australian standard for waterproofing relates to the material properties of the waterproofing membrane used. There are 5 main types of waterproofing membranes that are differentiated by the way they are attached to the substrate and held in position; ballasted, fully bonded, inverted roofs, mechanically fastened & partially bonded.
Here are a couple of examples of membrane types available from Projex Group: Please contact us to discuss the best membrane for each situation;
- Wolfin GSWK: Self-adhesive bonded membrane system that is adhered to the substrate.
- Wolfin IB: Loose-laid membrane system that is secured to the substrate by mechanical fixings.
Waterproofing membrane systems may be either exposed (to the elements of weather, UV radiation) or protected from these elements with finishes/coverings installed over them. It is therefore very important to know the requirements of the intended waterproofing area & to ensure the materials are fit for the purpose they’re being installed onto.
The Australian Standard considers and sets out the requirements (based on scientific testing) of the material properties of different types of waterproofing membranes. Some of the waterproofing membrane material properties that are assessed in the Australian Standard are:
- Thickness
- Tensile strength
- Puncture resistance
- Elongation at break
- Root resistance
- Temperature resistance
- Resistance to ultraviolet radiation (UV)
Waterproof membranes should be supplied as a complete system and have a full ancillary range of accessories* available to complete the waterproofing installation.
*These accessories include primers, profiles, mechanical fasteners, spitters, outlets, pre-made corners and more and are considered as part of the waterproofing system and must also adhere to the Australian Standard requirements for materials.
In summary, the Australian Standard for waterproofing membranes Part 1 Materials (AS 4654.1-2012) is to ensure that the material property of the membrane is waterproof – impervious to moisture, and remains waterproof under a variety of situations, exposures and conditions.
Which Waterproofing Membranes meet the Australian Standard AS 4654.1-2012 waterproofing membranes for external above-ground use – Part 1 Materials?
Projex Group Pty Ltd, are the exclusive Australian distributors of two of the best waterproofing membranes available in the world:
Both Wolfin and Cosmofin waterproofing membranes conform with the material requirements as outlined in the AS 4654.1-2012 Waterproofing membranes for external above-ground use – PART 1: Materials.
Part 2 – Design and Installation: Waterproofing Membranes for External Above-Ground Use
AS 4564.2-2012
It is very important that any waterproofing membrane system be installed according to the manufacturers recommendations and installed appropriately for the intended situation.
There are many significant factors that need to be considered with regards to the design and installation of the waterproofing membrane. As mentioned above, there are 5 main groups of waterproofing membrane systems and each of these groups require different approaches depending on a number of factors as well as the installation requirements.
It is interesting to note that some waterproofing membrane systems will utilise multiple installation methods, depending on the detail of the application, to achieve the Australian Standards. If you would like to discuss this further, please contact us here at Projex Group, we love to discuss the requirements of each unique situation.

The Australian Standards also incorporate the following factors into each waterproofing installation that are recommended to be considered as part of the standards:
- The substrate must be made from a suitable material that is compatible with the waterproofing membrane and the substrate must be prepared prior to the membrane installation in a way that will allow for proper application / bonding of the waterproofing layer.
- Falls in the substrate must ensure water is dispersed to the drains and outlets provided within the waterproofing system.
- Terminations of membranes are absolutely critical to prevent the ingress of water behind the waterproofing membrane and maintain waterproofing reliability. The Australian Standard (AS 4654.2-2012) sets out rules regarding the height and termination finish of the membrane in many situations eg. gutters, parapets, balconies and doors / windows. You can see many examples of compliant terminations in our Technical Waterproofing information section. It is critical these guidelines are followed strictly.
- Penetrations through the membranes are considered weak points in any waterproofing system. Penetrations must be detailed such that they remain watertight & should utilise the ancillary components of the membrane system to achieve this. Wolfin waterproofing membrane system has strict procedures for sealing all types of penetrations.
- Protection of the membrane system is critical to a long life. Where required, a suitable protection/finish should be selected that is applicable for the intended use.
- Drains and overflows are to be adequately installed to allow water drainage off the area.
- Overlaying of finishes (such as tiles, pavers, insulation, etc) onto the applied membrane must be installed in a way that does not cause damage to the membrane and also allows for movement and expected use of the finish surface. The Australian Standards dictates details for these finishes governing heights in relation to the membrane terminations.
All of the above factors must be considered, and the materials installed in a way that will not compromise the integrity of the waterproofing system. The system should be designed in advance of the works commencing and the application installed with care and detail to ensure absolute water tightness.
A reliable system of waterproofing to the external surfaces of a building is designed to prevent the ingress of water. This may seem like a simple concept, however the many applications and designs of the external areas of buildings – roofs, balconies, decks, planter boxes, etc… make this concept hugely complex.
The aim of the Australian Standards for waterproofing materials – design and installation is to reduce the failure rate of waterproofing membranes.
Australian Standards are reviewed on a regular basis by committees of technical experts and include input from the Building Code of Australia (BCA) waterproofing standards.
How do we achieve Australian Standards AS 4654.2 for Design and Application – Part 2?
Projex Group Pty Ltd has been supplying the Australian market with waterproofing systems for over 30 years. During this time, we have noticed that the main causes of waterproofing failure is in the design, application, incorrect membrane and installation.
To create a perfectly impervious waterproof membrane system, it takes considerable technical understanding, building experience, design, planning, time and care in application – to truly make the waterproofing system work, careful planning from design stage to implementation is critical.
Projex Group Pty Ltd ensure the Design and Installation of Wolfin Waterproofing Membrane Meets the Australian Standard (AS 4654.2-2012)
Waterproofing System – DESIGN:
- We develop and design the technical details in conjunction with architects, engineers, builders and waterproofing contractors before the work commences. We do this to ensure the design is sound, meets the Australian Standards and, most importantly, will work as a waterproofing solution.
- Every waterproofing job specified with Wolfin Waterproofing Membrane gets our full attention – Projex Group technical staff examines all the variables associated with the installation of the membrane. All of the technical design work is completed in accordance with the Australian Standard AS 4654.2-2012 – Design and Application.
Waterproofing System – APPLICATION
The application of Wolfin is fully controlled and inspected by Projex Group – this is why Wolfin outperforms other waterproofing systems.
The secret is the control of the membrane application from the supplier to the contractor as well as the onsite support and quality control of the installation.
- The WOLFIN waterproofing applicators are trained and licenced by Projex Group Pty Ltd to apply Wolfin waterproofing membrane and components in a manner that meets the Australian Standards AS 4654.2-2012.
- During an installation of a Wolfin waterproofing system the licenced Wolfin installers have access to unlimited (on-site) support from Projex Group technical staff. Often during an installation, a technical issue or question will arise from, for example, a change to building plans. The support provided ensures that no matter what happens on site, the application of the waterproofing membrane will remain adhered to Standards and that the system will maintain its function of being waterproof.
- When a Wolfin waterproofing membrane system has been installed, the job is not complete. A Wolfin inspector visits every site and thoroughly checks the installation of the Wolfin waterproofing membrane System. This is to ensure it has been installed as per the design specifications and that all details of the application are correct.
- The Wolfin inspector ensures that the installation has been carried out in accordance with the manufacturer specifications and high standards. Only when the Wolfin inspector is satisfied with the installation is the job considered finished, signed off and recorded.
Further to the Australian Standards (AS 4654.1 & AS 4654.2 – 2012)
is the Wolfin Waterproofing Warranty
The Wolfin waterproofing system is so robust that it is backed by an industry exclusive warranty
Wolfin Membranes Australia issues a single point warranty on both the materials and the workmanship / application. That is both parts 1 & 2 of the Australian Standards (AS 4654.1 & AS 4654.2 – 2012) are guaranteed. There are no disclaimers to the Wolfin warranty on the grounds of existing structure, environmental pollution nor workmanship.
The warranty is issued to the building owner once the inspection of the works has confirmed that the Wolfin waterproofing system has been installed in accordance with the Australian Standards AS 4654.1-2012 and AS 4654.2-2012 for waterproofing.
If you would like more information or buy a copy of the Australian Standards click here and search:
- Australian Standard AS 4654.1-2012 Waterproofing membranes for external above ground use Part 1 Materials
- Australian Standard AS 4654.2-2012 Waterproofing membranes for external above ground use Part 2 Design and installation