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Cell Cast Discs

Cell-Cast® Discs are manufactured using non-conductive plastic & are installed directly onto the formwork to create the perfect round penetrations in poured concrete structures.

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What are Cell-Cast Discs?

Cell-Cast® Discs are manufactured using non-conductive plastic & are installed directly onto the formwork to create the perfect round penetrations in poured concrete structures.

They are easily installed therefore significantly reducing labour costs and are available in a wide range of diameters from 630mm -1645mm.

Pending on the wall thickness they can be used individually or in combination with each other to achieve the required wall depth and are available in two thicknesses – 75mm & 100mm.

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Technical InformationApplication & Install

Benefits in using Cell-Cast Discs:

  • Reduces material costs by 30% to 50%
  • Cuts labor costs by 50% to 70%
  • Minimises freight and handling charges
  • Consistently produces dimensionally accurate openings
  • Sized to work with Link-Seal® Mechanical Seals
  • Lightweight
  • Easy to install
  • Complete assembly accomplished in minutes

There are many ways to form a penetration, but nothing works better than Cell-Cast® Discs or Century-Line Sleeves.

Typical Applications

1- Cell-Cast Discs in combination with Link-Seal

Cell-Cast Discs are a preformed HDPE mould used to create a perfectly round large penetration in a poured concrete wall. After the Cell-Cast Discs has been removed Link-Seals can be used to permanently provide a hydrostatic seal between the pipe and hole.

Installation Instructions

Cell-Cast Discs are easy to install. Click on the links below to:

Before concrete pour

Before concrete pour

After concrete pour

After concrete pour

How to install Cell-Cast Disc?

Step 1: Locate centerline where the hole is desired. This location will be used as a guide where the threaded centering rod will be placed.

Step 2: A 2×4 (48 x 95 mm) wood nailer is included. Fasten it along with the threaded rod directly to the inner face of the formwork. This provides support and helps center the complete Cell-Cast® Disc assembly.

Step 3: Slide the first Cell-Cast® Disc over the *threaded rod. Note: Use only 1 threaded rod for equal distribution. More than one rod could take disks out of shape.

Step 4: Secure the edges of the cell to the form using the provided steel spikes.

Step 5: Additional discs are interlocked to accommodate finished wall thickness. Verify thickness is the same as the wall.

Step 6: Guide the 1” (25 mm) wood block over the threaded rod and secure the assembly with the wing nut provided.

Step 7: Wrap each seam with one wrap of 2” (48 mm) wide tape to bridge any possible gaps. Note: Tape not included. Finish installing concrete forms and pour concrete.

Step 8: After wall cures, remove the formwork. The Cell-Cast® Disc assembly is now ready for removal.

Step 9: Chip excess concrete from the edge of the Cell-Cast® Disc assembly and wall.

Step 10: Remove discs by breaking or cutting out the entire Cell-Cast® Disc assembly.

Step 11: Inspect the installation. A smooth opening is important for a proper Link-Seal® Mechanical Seal installation. Repair voids and grind smooth any ridges.

Technical Data

Weight Comparison

Cell-Cast® Hole Forming Discs – Model CC
CC-30 29.25 10.0 4.53 10.4 4.71
CC-32 31.13 10.8 4.89 11.2 5.08
CC-36 34.75 12.6 5.71 13.1 5.94
CC-38 37.25 13.9 6.30 14.4 6.53
CC-42 41.38 16.3 7.39 16.8 7.62
CC-44 43.75 17.7 8.02 18.3 8.30
CC-48 47.25 20.0 9.07 20.7 9.38
CC-50 50.00 22.0 9.97 22.6 10.25
CC-54 52.63 23.9 10.84 24.6 11.15
CC-56 56.00 26.5 12.02 27.3 12.38
CC-60 59.25 29.2 13.24 30.0 13.60
CC-64 62.75 32.2 14.60 33.1 15.01 CC-66 64.75 34.0 15.42 34.9 15.83


For openings from 29.25″ (630mm) to 64.74″ (1645mm) in diameter, use a modular hole-forming system consisting of interlocking HDPE plastic discs, domestically manufactured in an ISO-9001:2000 facility.

The contractor shall install Cell-Cast® Discs, providing a round hole in conformance with Link-Seal® Mechanical Seal sizing data. Cell-Cast® Discs shall consist of 3” and/or 4” lightweight inter- locking polyethylene cells stacked to form the thickness of the poured concrete wall. Molded into each cell shall be a cavity to accept a 2” x 4” nailer.

The system shall provide a round hole in conformance with Link-Seal® Mechanical Seal sizing data. Cell-Cast® Hole Forming Discs as manufactured by Pipeline Seal & Insulator, Inc, Houston, TX, or engineer pre-approved equal.

Consideration of brands other than mentioned above shall be submitted to the Engineer for evaluation at least 10 days prior to bid due date and shall include evidence of a minimum of 25 years of successful in-service application of the mechanical seal, as well as current ISO-9001:2000 registration.


All products are warranted against failure caused by manufacturing defects for a period of one year. Any product found to be so defective and returned within one year from date of shipment will be replaced without charge. The above warranty is made in lieu of, and we disclaim, any and all other warranties, expressed or implied, including the warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose, and buyer agrees to accept the products without any such warranties. We hereby disclaim any obligation or liability for consequential damages, labor costs or any other claims or liabilities of any kind whatsoever.