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Wolfin Membrane System Used at Sydney University

A recent article on the Landscape Australia Expo site looks at the use of the Wolfin membrane system of waterproofing, which was used in Sydney University’s new Faculty of Law building.

Several large skylights covering the library, lecture theatre, study and seminar rooms in the building’s courtyard area required detailing with the Wolfin membrane system to make sure they were completely waterproof.

The outside stairs from the courtyard to the street were also treated, along with crucial areas such as flat roofs, open plant areas, the areas where the new building joins onto existing buildings and the elevator over-run pits in the basement.

The building’s architects chose the Wolfin bonded membrane system because of its proven reliability in areas where access would be severely limited once landscaping was in place.

Other major projects where the Wolfin system has been used with great success include the Reader’s Digest Building in Surry Hills, the forecourt of the National Library in Canberra and extensions added to the Sydney Conservatorium of Music.